The CDD10W is a very compact two-way passive loudspeaker system which utilises a 10″ (250mm) LF/1″ (25mm) exit HF Coaxial Differential Dispersion driver. It is uniquely placed to meet the foreground requirements of music bars and clubs, as well as the varied architectural applications that require upfront sound levels from a very compact enclosure. Use with a CSX118 or CSX218 subwoofer will enable the CDD10 to operate as small dancefloor system that is remarkably powerful for its size.

The Coaxial Differential Dispersion technology employed in the CDD10W delivers more consistent audience coverage than systems with fixed Xdeg x Ydeg coverage patterns – projecting relatively more output to the rear of the audience, while having wide horizontal coverage close-up. Its innovative CDD driver achieves “point source” summation of the LF and HF sections – eliminating off-axis variations in frequency response associated with non-coaxial designs. Improving on conventional coaxial designs, which can suffer from high-frequency beaming, the driver features a static waveguide that merges seamlessly with the unique cone shape – maintaining the dispersion pattern out to very high frequencies.